Environmental Policy


The Environmental Management System (EMS) of N. ANDRIKOPOULOS & ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM includes:



The company’s overall policy in the field of Environmental Management is expressed in the principles and beliefs of the Management therein and provides to the other officials the guidelines for their implementation, while it is aligned with the overall strategic direction of N. ANDRIKOPOULOS & ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM.


More specifically, N. ANDRIKOPOULOS & ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM is committed:

  • To systematically monitor and implement its established Environmental Measures and Principles and implement coordinated actions and programs for the protection of the environment. It aims the continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System.
  • That the rational management of the mineral and natural resources (wind, sun, water, and fuel) reserves, the control of greenhouse gas emissions, air control, are its main environmental challenges.
  • That its effort to protect the environment is not limited to implementing the rules and required arrangements and taking the appropriate measures, but also includes its self-commitment to perform additional controls of its activities.
  • To comply with all applicable legislative and regulatory obligations, as well as with the ISO 14001:2015 requirements.



Measures for the Protection of the Environment

  • Respect of agreements and commitments it has assumed as a Firm in addition to its legal obligations.
  • Assessment of the impact of its activity on the environment, risk recording, and use of these assessments in its programs and planning.
  • Management of threats and opportunities related to its operating framework.
  • Improvement of waste management through the promotion of recycling procedures.
  • Reduction of consumption and Energy.
  • Prevention of any pollution risk.
  • Remedy of any discrepancy found by establishing and implementing corrective plans and preventive actions.
  • Staff training, awareness raising and information.
  • Motivation of the partners (suppliers, sub-contractors, clients) to respect these requirements to the environment.
  • Performing regular internal inspections for the assessment of the performance of the Environmental Management System, the achievement of the goals and the implementation of regulations and principles.

This Policy Statement of N. ANDRIKOPOULOS & ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM is reviewed by its Management annually.




